Serve the World

There are so many people around the world in need of our help.  Poverty, disease and injustice exist on a scale that can be hard to comprehend.  But even from the comfort of our own lives, we can do God's work around the globe.  

There are big and small ways to get involved in global missions.  How can you serve?

Contact the Outreach Team for more information! 

  • Heifer Foundation

    The Heifer Foundation is a favorite global mission.  The children of St. Luke have raised money for goats, cows and other livestock purchased through Heifer International.  For people in developing nations, livestock are the foundation for building wealth and self-sufficiency. Watch for special Heifer drives at St. Luke, or visit directly to learn more.

  • Chikumbuso Women and Orphans project

    Chikumbuso, a grassroots project in Ng’ombe, Zambia, provides an alternative lifestyle to the most vulnerable women and children in the township that has been heavily affected by HIV and AIDS.

    Chikumbuso provides free schooling for the children, as well as vocational training for young adults in the community who have gone on to start their own businesses.

    Chikumbuso also provides adult training, capacity building, income generating activities and community building programs for the widows.

    Sales of handcrafted items made by the women of Chikumbuso, sponsorship of vulnerable children and donations are some of the ways St. Luke members have contributed to this mission since 2007. Currently St. Luke sponsors two young girls and contributes to the college fund of a third. Several individual members of St. Luke sponsor children as well.

    Learn more about this global mission with local roots at and watch the St. Luke calendar for special events that St. Luke hosts and the Scroll for articles and information that bring awareness and raise funds for this great cause. You can also contact Jeanne Steinnagel at

  • Other Global Ministries

    St. Luke also provides financial support for the following relief organizations:

    Church World Service

    ELCA Relief & Development