Our congregation council is the governing body of St. Luke Lutheran Church between congregational meetings.
It is comprised of members dedicated to the ministry and mission of our congregation.
The Congregation Council functions to oversee the life and activities of St. Luke Lutheran Church and to ensure that these reflect the purpose and faith of this church. The council consists of the three elected officers of the congregation (President, Vice-President and Treasurer), six counselors who serve as liaisons to the Purpose and Support Teams, a Council Secretary, and the Pastor(s).
Congregation Council Members' Responsibilities: Attend monthly Council Meetings, special Council meetings, regular and special meetings of the congregation. Care for and pray for the work of Christ in the Congregation, the community, and the whole world. Help assure the coordination of all the programs and ministries of St. Luke Lutheran Church. Participate in the development and management of long-range planning and the annual budget adopted by the Congregation.